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Massage Therapy for Hypertension

April 15, 2021

Called the ‘Silent Killer’, Hypertension, commonly called High Blood Pressure is a growing problem in India and around the world with statistics showing 1 in every 3 adults being affected by it. Blood pressure is the pressure exerted by your blood against the walls of the blood vessels and is determined by the amount of blood pumped by your heart and also by the amount of resistance to blood flow in your arteries. A Blood Pressure reading thus has 2 numbers

a. Systolic Pressure: This is the first number that measures the pressure in the arteries when your heartbeats. A normal reading has a systolic pressure which is between 90mm and less than 120mm
b. Diastolic Pressure: This is the second number that measures the pressure in your arteries between heartbeats. In a normal condition, the diastolic pressure is between 60mm and 80mm.

A Blood pressure (BP) reading above 140/90 mm is considered high. While the actual cause for high BP is unknown, obesity, age, consuming alcohol and tobacco, existing health conditions could increase the risk of hypertension. massage in Chennai
People with high BP experience severe headache, nosebleed, sweating, anxiety and sleep problems. Long term hypertension can damage the heart, blood vessels and other organs such as kidneys. This can lead to heart failure, heart attacks and kidney failure. That is why high BP is also called a silent killer.

Management and Treatment of Hypertension

Hypertension can be controlled by
a. Regular Physical Exercise
b. Dietary Changes

Massage Therapy to Lower Blood Pressure

According to research, massage therapy is a non-invasive and safe treatment for controlling and lowering blood pressure. If taken on a regular basis, a massage can lower blood pressure, alleviate stress and lower heart rate. Check out the Best Massage and Spa Center in Chennai for reducing stress and relaxing.

Stress is one of the causes of high blood pressure. A massage alleviates stress by relaxing the muscles, lowering the heart rate, flushing out the stress hormone cortisol from the body and replacing it with positive hormones endorphins. Reduced stress levels contribute to lowering blood pressure.

A massage also relaxes the sympathetic nervous system and increases parasympathetic activity. These reflexes lead to vasodilation or widening of the blood vessels. As a result there is increased blood circulation and decreased blood pressure and heart rate.

Massages for Hypertension

a. Swedish Massage

A Swedish Massage is a classic and one of the most frequently given massages at the Best Spa and Massage Center in T. Nagar. In this type of massage, the therapist rubs and kneads the muscles in long, gliding and soft strokes in the direction of blood flowing to the heart. This increases the level of oxygen in the blood, improves circulation, relieves muscle tension and reduces stress. The therapist also applies circular pressure with hands and palms and also kneads your muscles with light, rhythmic and tapping strokes. All these make you relax, reduce stress and thereby reduce your BP.

b. Trigger Point Therapy

Applying pressure on certain trigger points reduces stress and anxiety and lowers blood pressure.

Check out the various massages at the Best Spa and Massage Center in Porur.


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